Anatomy of a SPJ rod

As anglers, we know the right equipment is essential when landing that trophy catch.  Likewise, having the right rod is crucial to success in slow-pitch jigging.  At Temple Reef, we have spent countless hours researching and testing our rods to develop the perfect tool for the job.  

In this blog entry, we’ll be taking a closer look at the anatomy of a slow-pitch jigging rod.  

We break down our slow-pitch jigging rods into two zones and three parts: the Power and Action zone, and the action zone consists of the Belly and the Tip.  Let’s take a closer look at each of these sections.

The Power Zone is the section closest to the handle and provides the power needed for hook setting and fish fighting.  It’s the thickest and heaviest part of the rod and is made with the lightest and strongest material to keep it lightweight and withstand the necessary pressure.

The Action Zone starts about one-third from the butt to the tip of the rod and controls the movement and action of the jig.  It consists of two parts: the Belly and the Tip.

The Belly is crucial for controlling the rhythm of the jig.  Therefore, it should flex smoothly and naturally, allowing the angler to impart the desired action to the jig.

The Tip is the thinnest and most flexible part of the rod.  It’s responsible for imparting action to the jig and picking up vibrations to transmit back to the handle, enabling the angler to detect even the slightest bites and movements.

Understanding the anatomy of a slow-pitch jigging rod is crucial when selecting the right tool for the job.  Breaking down our rods into two zones and three parts ensures that our anglers have the power, action, and sensitivity needed to hook and fight fish successfully.

Tight Lines!